CTVR: Recruitment

CTVR: Recruitment

CTVR is assembling a world class team of researchers to carry out research in
each of it’s five major research strands.  Vacancies from some of our
research strands are posted below.  If you are
interested in research at PhD, Postdoctoral and more senior
and have an outstanding track record in any of the disciplines in
which the centre operates, please contact the relevant research strand leader

If you are a third-level student please see our temporary summer vacancies.

New Vacancies

Centre Manager

We are seeking an individual with a strong record in research management to
assist the director in the running of CTVR.  If you feel that your
skill-set matches this position(Detailed Job
), please contact the centre director directly.
Location: Trinity College Dublin, Salary Range: €50-60K


Technology Transfer Specialist (Part-time)

Detailed Job Description


Research Vacancies in Network Architecture

postdoctoral positions – posted Aug 13th 2004

The Emerging Network Architectures strand of the Centre for
Telecommunications Value-chain driven Research (CTVR) is seeking highly
committed individuals to join the team for the position of postdoctoral
researcher. There are two postdoctoral positions available. Candidates will be
required to have obtained a doctorate and are expected to have strong experience
in any of the following fields.

· Telecommunications · Optical Networking · Wireless Networks · Mobile
Communications —detailed job-spec for Optical
Networking Protocols PostDoc – 

READ  Emerging Networks

While experience in the areas listed above is desirable, a broad interest
across the topics related to the CTVR is very welcome.

The successful candidates will also be expected to have an excellent
publication publication record and to maintain a high standard of publication as
part of the Emerging Networks team.

The postdoctoral roles involve carrying out advanced research as well as
involving a significant level of project management. Good communication skills
will be needed to liase with the researchers within the team in Trinity and with
the teams in the other Universities and in Bell Labs.

Bell labs Ireland is a full partner in the CTVR and will be fully engaged
with the research carried out here.

Interested candidates should contact email: linda(dot)doyle(at)tcd(dot)ie
phone: +353 1 6082567.


Research Vacancies in RF

We are seeking a part-time project manager The manager should ideally have
experience in research management, but experience in a high-tech ICT or
Semiconductor company will suffice.

The role will be to help manage the centre, to maintain a focus on
deliverables, to handle interactions with both the university and our industry
partners. The research manager will have a large degree of independence and will
be expected to propose and undertake initiatives, both in the research and
commercial spaces. This role may involve travel within Ireland and
internationally, for both business meetings and training.

Further information can be founded by contacting Dr. Ronan Farrell Electronic
Engineering Department National University of Ireland, Maynooth Maynooth, Co.
Kildare, Ireland P: +353-1-7086197 (rfarrell (at) eeng.may.ie)or by visiting http://circuits.eeng.may.ie

Research Vaccancies in Photonics

The Photonics strand are inviting applicants for PhD and Postdoctoral
positions for studies in the areas of

READ  CTVR: Partners

Ph.D Candidates: We are seeking to recruit motivated graduates with
excellent academic credentials for doctorate studies in the above areas. We
offer challenging projects in a stimulating environment with world-class
facilities and researchers in Ireland and Bell Labs. The positions are suitable
for candidates who hold good honours degree in Physics or related subjects.
Recent graduates in optoelectronics background are encouraged to apply. The
expected starting date is October 2004.

Postdoctoral Candidates: We are seeking highly committed individuals
to join an inter-University partnership with one of the world’s most renowned
research institutions Bell Labs. Candidates will be required to have obtained a
doctorate and are expected to have strong experience in any of the above fields.
In addition, candidates must also show strong evidence of project management and
demonstrate strong communications skills.

For further information contact: Dr Pádraig Hughes, Photonics Strand Leader
Tel +353 21 4904084 Email: padraig.hughes (at) nmrc.ie or send detailed CV’s
together with references to

Dr P J Hughes Photonics Research Group NMRC, Ireland Lee Maltings, Prospect
Row Cork, Ireland.


Temporary Summer Vacancies

From time to time the Centre will be offering summer placements for third-level students. These vacancies will be spread across many locations within Ireland. Please click here for further information.

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