

DISCUS workshop live stream available on Thursday May 9th

07 May 2013

The DISCUS workshop on “Ownership, usage and regulation in next
generation fibre access network: can we move away from competition at
the physical layer?” will be streamed live on Thursday May 9th, 1.30
p.m. at the following link:


RTE Collaboration for Science Season: Drama on One

10 April 2013

Prof. Linda Doyle and Dr Tim Forde collaborated with RTE to produce a companion piece to the radio drama “What Next for Hedy Lamarr” by Joe O’Byrne.

Hedy Lamarr, known primarily as a 1930′s screen idol, also filed US Patent 2292387 on frequency hopping – a technology designed for radio-guidance of munitions that is now widely deployed in wireless communications.

As part of RTE drama’s  Science Season entitled What is Life, Joe O’Byrne has written and directed a play on the life of Hedy Lamarr. It is accompanied by a companion piece exploring in greater depth the scientific aspects of Hedy Lamarr’s contribution to contemporary communications.

Download the companion piece here:

Download the full play here:

For more information on RTE’s Science Season see Drama on One

COST Action Management Committee Meeting 11-12 March 2013

COSTActionLocation: CTVR Trinity College Dubln, Dunlop Oriel House, Fenian Street, Dublin
Date: 11 March 2013
Time: 8.30am

READ  Emerging Networks

The 8th COST Action IC0902 management committee meeting will be held in the vibrant city of Dublin, Ireland, on 11-12 March 2013. The main objective of COST Action IC0902 is to integrate the cognitive concept across all layers of communication systems, resulting in the definition of a European platform for cognitive radio and networks.

In conjunction with the meeting, we will host a mini workshop on Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Cognitive Radio and Networking, which are the topics of interest of the COST Action IC0902 Special Interest Group 2. Contributions presenting early results and work-in-progress on all topics relevant to the IC0902 SIG 2 are welcome and submissions by young researchers are strongly encouraged.

Workshop program:

Program at a glance:


15 January 2013


Head of CTVR, Professor Linda Doyle;  TCD Provost, Dr Patrick Prendergast; Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte; CTVR lead academic of the project, Dr Marco Ruffini.

Minister Rabbitte Announces €8.1 Million EU Funding For Telecommunications Project That Will Revolutionise Broadband Provision In Ireland And Europe.

On Wednesday, 9th January, the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte, launched ‘DISCUS’, the pan-European research project coordinated by CTVR. The project was awarded funding under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme.

Announcing the EU funding award, Minister Rabbitte said: “Strengthening Europe’s digital economy by advancing areas such as a high speed broadband rollout is a priority for the Irish Presidency of the EU. This pan European telecommunications project led by our own researchers here at CTVR at Trinity will provide concrete results for the benefit of both Ireland and Europe and demonstrates the critical links between research and enterprise that lead ultimately to jobs creation.”

READ  Talk by Andrea Zanella – When bits get wet: introduction to microfluidic networking – www.ctvr.ie

Welcoming this announcement, Provost of Trinity College Dublin, Dr Patrick Prendergast said: “Leading such a top-tier international consortium is an endorsement of the strong international academic reputation that CTVR has earned and raises the profiles of Ireland and Trinity College Dublin as leaders in research and development of future broadband infrastructure. It is also a demonstration of the value to Ireland of continued investment in high quality research.”

‘DISCUS’ coordinators, Dr Marco Ruffini of Computer Science and Professor David Payne of Electronic Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, said: ”the project brings together a pan European team of world class expertise to achieve what will be a revolutionary change to the way future networks are built and operated, to deliver unprecedented service capability and customer experience.”

The ‘DISCUS’ consortium partners are Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), Alcatel Lucent (Germany), Nokia Siemens Networks (Germany), Telefonica Investigacion Y Desarrollo (Spain), Telecom Italia (Italy), Aston University (UK), Interuniversitair micro-electronica centrum (Belgium), III-V lab (France), Tyndall & University College Cork (Ireland), Polatis (UK), Atesio (Germany) and Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan (Sweden).

Total investment in this project is €11.7M, of which €8.1 million has been contributed by the EU and the remainder is provided by the partners involved.

Please inspect DISCUS website here http://www.discus-fp7.eu/

Best Student Award – IST Portugal

Pedro-(3)  16 November 2012



Pedro Alvarez joined the team of CTVR PhD students at TCD from the MEEC course at Instituto Superior Technico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal in March 2012. In September he was awarded the Best Student in his class.



IST is an internationally recognised college for the study of engineering, architecture, science and technology. It offers a broad range of research opportunities to students so we are delighted that Pedro has chosen to come to Ireland and CTVR in particular.

READ  ctvr.ie

Congratulations to Pedro

That’s Gas! – Zoo Digital Balloon Project Update!

13 November 2012




The Talk to EU Zoo Digital balloon launch took place last Friday, 9th November. The launch was a great success. Our colleague, Dr. Keith Nolan and team launched the balloon from Met Eireann’s Valentia observatory just after 11am on Friday. The payload comprised a GPS tracker, a HD video camera, a Samsung Galaxy S2 phone, a radiosonde (measures wind speed, humidity, temperature, altitude), and an ordinary party balloon with an image of Robert Boyle drawn on it.

The balloon travelled for about 2 hours over a point to point distance of 160km and reached a maximum altitude of just over 27km where the temperature was -63 deg C. It burst over Kanturk and descended by parachute to land in a farmer’s field just outside Tipperary town. The farmer rang the number on the payload. The intact payload and video were recovered by the team. The video shows tweets scrolling across the phone screen, the ‘Boyle balloon’ bursting, as well as the scenery.

To view the full launch, please view here https://www.dropbox.com/s/q1v5kvz7e0739f5/tweetsinspace-smaller.wmv

Further information is available to view at http://www.talktoeu.ie/

Thank you to photographer Alan Landers for documenting the launch.

Seminar presented by Professor Allen MacKenzie, E.T.S. Walton Visiting Professor

CTVR / the telecommunications research centre,
Dunlop Oriel House,
Trinity College,
University of Dublin,
+353 (0)1 8968441

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