Emerging Networks

Emerging Networks team is currently carrying out a wide range
of research projects in the area of fixed and
wireless network architectures. The projects
are interdisciplinary in nature and draw on all of the expertise
in the CTVR. There is an emphasis on distributed and disaggregated
networks. A list of the current projects is given here. Details
of each project can be found by following the relevant links.

Reconfigurable Networks – The Reconfigurable Node (The Plastic

This involves the design of a completely flexible platform
that can be reconfigured from application layer to physical
layer. The platform facilitates all our research into reconfigurable
networks and dynamic spectrum applications by allowing us
to implement our ideas. Details can be found here.

Dynamic Spectrum – Test & Experimenation

A large part of our work involves test and experimentation
of ideas and concepts relating to software radio and dynamic
spectrum access. Our platform makes use of 50 MHz of dedicated
test spectrum (the CTVR license) obtained via the ComReg test
license scheme. We have help organise a test and experimentation
session for DySPAN 2007, details of which are found here.

Dynamic Spectrum – Interference Temperature
& its Reliability in Interference Management

This involves exploring interference temperature, modeling
its spatio-tempoaral behaviour and evaluating its role in
interference management. Details can be found here.

Dynamic Spectrum – Cylostationary Signatures

Cylcostationary signatures in OFDM based communication systems
and their use for such things as frequency rendezvous and
feature detection are the focus of this work. Details can
be found here.

READ  Emerging Networks

Dynamic Spectrum – Frameworks for Resource Allocation

This works looks at creating a unified approach to the dynamic
management of resources in distributed networks. Details can
be found here.

Dynamic Spectrum – Policy Based Management of DSA

Policy based management is the accepted management approach.
Community based policy management is the focus of this work.

Dynamic Spectrum – Exclusive Usage-Rights Markets

This work focuses on exploring market structures for the trading
of exclusive usage-rights to spectrum and works towards very
fluid approaches to spectrum trading. Details can be found

Flexible Authorization Management for Dynamic Environments

is an authorization management framework designed specifically
to address trust establishment and access control in computing
environments where a priori knowledge of the complete
set of participating entities and global centralized trust
registers cannot be assumed. Details can be found

The Cost of Authentication

This research project investigates the trade-offs between
risks and infrastructure costs related to the various existing
authentication models. The goal is to enhance the design and
deployment of security solutions using economic considerations.
More details can be found here.

Policy-driven Trading of Access Rights

The purpose of this project is to design and develop a policy-driven
trading framework for the assignment of access rights and
authorizations through payment of a fee. Our first application domain
is market-based spectrum assignment. More details can be found

Next Generation Naming System

This research project investigates the design principles and
operational properties behind next generation naming systems.
Next generation naming will enable interoperability between the
various existing naming systems (such as DNS(sec), fixed and
mobile telecommunication networks, ENUM, as well as proprietary
naming systems like Skype). More details are available

READ  test

Optical Networks – Dynamic Path Establishment

This project focuses on what we call optical IP switching
and involves the design of all-optical networks that facilitate
dynamic path provisioning on an as needed basis. Details of
the project can be found here.


QualNet Network Simulator University Program
QualNet Network Simulator

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