International Ph.D. Course: “Cognitive Radios and Networks: Theory and Practice” –

International Ph.D. Course: “Cognitive Radios and Networks: Theory and Practice”

CTVR in cooperation with Aalborg University hosted an international course for Telecomms PhD students on 13 May 2013 in Dublin.
Demand for mobile services is increasing fast, and current wireless network technologies will soon be bottlenecks to the growth of both services and market. Furthermore, the apparent spectrum scarcity does not provide enough space for future wireless communications systems. Cognitive Radio (CR) has developed as a possible solution for coping with such problems, giving the possibility of efficiently using/re-using the spectrum resources in an autonomous and opportunistic way. This topic is much current interest by academia and industry, as demonstrated by ongoing activities in standardization bodies such as ETSI and IEEE.
This course provided an overview of the possibilities but also the issues that such a powerful concept offers, ranging from theoretical and algorithmic design to practical implementation on research-oriented software-defined radio platforms like Iris and ASGARD.
Instructors : Luiz DaSilva, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and Virginia Tech, USA; Linda Doyle, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; Nicola Marchetti, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; Andrea F. Cattoni, Aalborg University, Denmark; Petar Popovski, Aalborg University, Denmark; Hamed Ahmadi, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
International Ph.D. Course Sponsored by the Telecommunications Graduate Initiative (TGI), which is funded by the Higher Education Authority under the Programme for Research in Third-Level Institutions and co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund.
Program: available here.
Lecture notes:
Overview of cognitive radio concept and applications [Andrea F. Cattoni]
Techniques for determining spectrum availability [Nicola Marchetti]
Dynamic spectrum access: regulatory aspects [Linda Doyle]
Information theoretic aspects of cognitive radio (part 1) [Petar Popovski]

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CTVR / the telecommunications research centre,
Dunlop Oriel House,
Trinity College,
University of Dublin,
+353 (0)1 8968441


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