CTVR | About


the telecommunications
research centre



CTVR is Ireland’s largest telecommunications research centre. We carry out industry-informed research in the telecommunications field.  We focus on wireless and optical networks of the future with a strong emphasis on the technologies that will underpin these networks. We pride ourselves in carrying out research that is of the highest quality and that has international impact. 

CTVR is headquarted in Trinity College Dublin (TCD) . The National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM), Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Dublin City University (DCU), Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (UCC) and the University of Limerick (UL) are all involved. Each institution brings different expertise to the table.  An overview of our research can be found here

The core funding for CTVR comes from the Science Foundation of Ireland (SFI).  CTVR was founded in 2004 with an SFI grant. This was part of a larger initiative that also saw the founding of Bell Labs Ireland. The latter was funded by the IDA. Bell Labs Ireland became the first CTVR partners and we engaged on an overlapping programme of research. 

Since 2004 the number of CTVR industry partners have grown. Xilinx Research Labs became the second CTVR industry partner and today we also have  M/A COM, NXP and  Socowave Ltd as CTVR industry partners. New partners, namely eircom Meteor and Intune Networks are in the process of joining. More details can be found here.

In addition to the research we carry out as part of the SFI funded work, we also engage more widely with industry through other collaborative initiatives.  Enterprise Ireland and IRCSET provide some of the funding to support these initiatives while other funding comes directly from the industry partners.

READ  Industry Overview – www.ctvr.ie

Technology transfer and commercialisation of ideas that stem from our research is a key activity of CTVR. More details can be found here.



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